Thursday, September 07, 2006

Pet Peeves

Some pet peeves:

-People who call NOW and are surprised that there are no rooms available for the first week of October, which is peak foliage season. This particular caller actually wanted to make a reservation for a stay of ONE WEEK. Good luck. If you want to stay for a full week in the middle of foliage season, you'd better book about a year in advance. More on how far in advance you should make reservations for a specialty B&B in another post.

-People who pronounce it "FOIL-age." It's "FO-li-age." Three syllables. The "i" is after the "l."

-Guests who clearly ignore everything I am saying to them on the tour, then come back to the desk several times throughout the evening to ask me where the ice machine is, do we have an elevator, how do I turn on the air conditioner, can I eat the fruit on the rack labeled "for chef's use only"? Classic example: on every tour, I point out the coffee in air pots and mention that the coffee is out from 6:30AM until 9:00PM every day. Last night a couple came down at ten minutes after nine and asked me when the coffee was going to be put away - while standing DIRECTLY IN FRONT OF the empty coffee bar.

-Callers who think it's MY responsibility to find them another room in the area if we are booked. Are you kidding? I will give you the phone number of the Other Notable Inn or the Chamber of Commerce, and that's it. Don't try to bully me. You do not pay my paycheck.

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